What We’re Up Against

A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.
— Stanley Weiser

A short one today, because honestly I just don’t have the words to express the horror I experienced when reading this thread on the MyFICO forums. Read it if you dare, but be prepared either to be enraged, saddened, or both.

I can’t decide what depresses me the most:

  • This person “desperately” wants a Macbook air, a laptop whose defining features are, 1) its specs are somewhat lower than average, 2) it’s somewhat lighter than average, 3) hipsters like it, and 4) it costs more.
  • He (I assume it’s a he) obviously didn’t have the money to pay for it, but he just had to have it, so despite the fact that he has obviously had serious issues with debt in the past (as his posted credit scores show), he went to great efforts to accumulate even more.
  • The bank approved him, then immediately expanded his credit line!
  • He bragged about this “success,” and rather than boos, looks of disapproval, and punches in the face, he was greeted with cheers an congratulations by his fellow board members. Some even claimed to be envious!

If this poor, misguided fellow showed the same tenacity toward getting his spending under control as he has clearly shown toward racking up more credit, his life would improve immeasurably.

As it stands, all that’s missing to complete the picture is him using his new toy to log onto the Daily Kos and bitch about how it’s impossible to get ahead.